Marine services
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Governing objectives
Stödig Ship Management shall be recognised as a first class operator in the field of Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) issues by systematically emphasising QHSE in the planning and conduct of all activities and operations.
- Zero injuries
- Zero discharges of substances that damage the environment
- The risk of property damage shall be minimised and eventually lead to zero unwanted off hire
We will achieve these objectives by:
- Supplying necessary financial and human resources
- Implementing efficient measures ensuring protection of health, environment and safety for all our employees and those involved or affected by our operations
- Assuring a high level of competence and skills amongst our employees
- Creating a positive working environment and a preferred place of work
- Assuring a high maintenance standard on all ships
- Keeping all ships free from drugs and alcohol
- Identifying and controlling environmental aspects
- Adhering to all mandatory laws and regulations at all times
- Working systematically through QHSE improvement, targets, action plans and performance measurements

Audits and inspections
Internal audits, ISM, ISPS, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001.
Navigational audits, static and dynamic, mooring- and anchoring operations audit, vetting inspections, CDI, SIRE, and SIRE2.0.

Safety culture
Operating in the most complex segments, Stödig is focusing on developing first-class safety culture through a structured program.

We hold DOC for these vessel types:
- Oil tanker
- Chemical tanker
- Gas tanker
- General cargo ships
- Research vessel
- Ro-ro
- Offshore service vessels
Accreditations / certifications
- ISO9001
- ISO45001
- ISO14001
- IMCA member

Key competences
- Extensive experience in hard chemicals
- DP competence
- W2W competence
- Ro-ro and rolling cargo
The management will:
- Establish and maintain procedures including all relevant considerations with respect to QHSE and ensure procedures and routines are understood and implemented
- Establish and maintain QHSE system providing safe working practices, safeguards against all identified risks and ensuring continuous improvement
- Arrange both shore-side and shipboard audits to determine the effectiveness of the QHSE system
- Implement measures of improvement including preventive and corrective actions
- Support and promote anyone interfering or stopping activity to ensure safety
All employees will:
- Always adhere to company procedures and routines and thereby contribute to a successful, safe, healthy and environmental friendly place of work and operations
- Actively contribute to development and improvement of procedures and working practices, including reporting suggestions for improvement, unsafe acts and conditions, accidents and near accidents
- Always assess and manage risk and actively interfere to stop unsafe acts and/or operators
Environmental policy
Shipping is environmentally friendly compared to road transportation, which often will be the only alternative to sea transportation. However, the environmental impact of shipping may be reduced. We acknowledge that we are an integral part of the shipping industry, and that we shall use our best endeavour within our role and authority to reduce the shipping impact on the global environment. Our environmental performance is important to our customers and employees, as well as the global society.
We will work to prevent pollution and support the environmental efforts of our customers and suppliers. Stödig Ship Management is committed to comply with all legal requirements regarding the environment and to the idea of continual improvement of our environmental performance.
Read our yearly ESG report here: Stödig sustainability report